Here are the answers to your questions.

RealSelf Q&A with Sirius K. Yoo, MD
Ready for a facelift or alternative recommendations? (Photo)
Your photos show normal aging in the lower face. You have some volume loss and laxity of the soft tissues. This leads to a deflated appearance with...READ MORE
1 year after septorhinoplasty - am I still experiencing swelling or could this be something else? (photo)
At 1 year, what you are noticing is not going to be due to residual swelling. There certainly can be subtle swelling, particularly around the tip even at...READ MORE
52, benefits & negatives of having facelift & lip lift at the same time? (Photos)
The procedures you are interested in are frequently performed together. There are probably more surgeons than not that would do the lip lift, facelift and...READ MORE
Thinking of getting a face/neck lift. Could I get away with something less invasive? (Photo)
The short answer is that you are a good candidate for a facelift. Depending on your rejuvenation expectations, there are other options. But, none of the...READ MORE
Can I refuse HIV test before facelift even tho surgeon is requesting it?
Yes, you can decline preoperative lab work. Hopefully, your surgeon will discuss with you their reasoning. After, they may decide to forgo the lab work, or...READ MORE
Facelift after fat loss from microneedling RF procedure?
Thank you for your question. Pretty much all the minimally invasive, energy delivery modalities will damage some fat. This can be a good thing for patients...READ MORE
My nose looks too wide when I smile, what are my options? (Photos)
Thank you for your question. To treat your concern, you would likely need some form of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can be very subtle or dramatic depending on...READ MORE
Do I need to do revise my nose job and is the pus ever going away? (Photos)
Thank you for your question. Its impossible to tell from photos alone and your description if there is an infection that will need further medical attention...READ MORE
Do you agree that I'm not a good candidate for under eye filler? (Photos)
Based on your photos, you appear to be a good candidate for under eye filler. It will fill the hollowing and sulcus between the eyelid and cheek. Keep in...READ MORE
Forehead Lipoma? Will I Have a Disfiguring Scar?
Not necessarily. Traditionally, forehead lipomas have beenremoved via a horizontalincision placed directlyover thelipoma. Meticulous closure results in a...READ MORE